Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

Digitize Digits Can Be Used as Payment, To Contribute To A Raward Program

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Digitization is a block-based and crypto-based ecosystem that allows consumers to turn loose changes into virtual currency at the point of transaction. The loose changes are eliminated into Digitize currency, allowing for use for payments, loyalty programs, and exchanged with Etheruem. Digitize solves the problem of having to withstand a lot of loose changes, which ultimately can not be used, by allowing you to save money by making transactions directly into your own digital wallet and allowing you to convert them into other currencies or use them for future payments.


Let's face it, nobody likes a dime! Whether it's jostling in your wallet or moving and jingling in your pocket, loose change is a burden everyone has to face because it's worth it and throwing it does not make sense. Digitalization will solve this problem by allowing you to save changes at the point of transaction, directly to your own digital wallet and enable you to convert it to another currency or use it for future payments. At a time when many governments around the world are looking to digitize their national currency because of the cost of creating, circulating and securing their currency, Digitize will be a channel for loose world change.


To help the world transition from cash-based societies to digital. Digitalization targets public and consumers directly by solving real-world problems. Most cryptocurrencies today are heavy and elusive technologies for the average consumer - a barrier to adoption of technology in general. We plan to solve this problem by developing a service that helps consumers turn loose changes into crypto and remove the frustration of bringing and storing the coins completely. By making this process a simple and seamless experience we aim to bring people into the world of one transaction crypto at a time.
In a survey of more than 2,000 individuals, nearly half did not like to carry coins. "
"Australian adults lose an average of $ 60 a year in loose change, equivalent to $ 466 million annually."


The original token for cryptocurrency
Digitizing allows consumers to turn their loose changes into Digitize tokens. Digitize tokens can then be used as payment systems, or to contribute to a loyalty / reward program.
That is easy!
Imagine walking to a nearby store and buying $ 22.50 for groceries. You pay a total of $ 30 cash. The $ 7.50 change you will receive, can be sent directly to your digits by recording your phone on the Digitize scanner. Changes will be directly saved directly to your digital wallet.
Your saved Digitize Digits can be used as payment, to contribute to a reward program, or used to redeem Etheruem.


Digitize Coin

Directly convert cash into cryptocurrency at point of sale.
Help the global economy to transition to a world that uses digital currencies.
Use Digitize wallet token as a payment tool and rewards loyalty program.
Redeem Digitize token for other cryptocurrencies.

Benefits for Retailers
  • Eliminates the need to hold and transact changes.
  • The services provided tend to increase consumer demand.
  • Provide reward program with instant payment solution.
  • Resellers receive a percentage of transaction costs when cash is deposited for digital currency

Benefits to Consumers
  • Eliminate the frustration of bringing loose change.
  • Provide an electronic wallet to store and store the coins.
  • Reward with retailers and instant payment solutions.
  • Provide a simple and smooth process in buying and exchanging cryptocurrency
  • Benefits to the Economy
  • Eliminates the need to hold and transact changes.
  • The services provided tend to increase consumer demand.
  • Reduces dependence on physical currency and costs to produce


The Digitize platform can be set on any portable mobile device for merchants to use independently of their POS system. This will allow merchants to accept Digitize without having to experience changes to their payment arrangements. Purse trader cryptocurrency. Merchants will also be able to allocate and assign Digitize tokens to consumers as part of their loyalty programs and promotions.

Digitize Coin


Decentralized networks use cryptography for security and allow transactions between retailers and consumers to have ownership and can be verified. The Consensus Protocol creates a shared and trusted platform for community members to collaborate openly and exchange data through the Digitize network. We use smart contracts to enable trusted peer to peer transactions, with the ability to measure by prize set / promotion. Smart contracts will also be used to allow enriched interaction among community members.



For more information, visit the link below:

My ETH Address: 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79

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