Minggu, 27 Januari 2019

ALCEDO ATMs will in real-time monitor the actual prices for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies. How much information revolves around this word. And how many projects seeks to apply them, supplement or offer their own cryptocurrency as a unit of account. All this is good, but still the cryptocurrency market is still at the initial stage of its development. All this industry and direction is only gaining momentum and all the necessary infrastructure to fully enter our life.


Nevertheless, the lack of necessary cryptocurrency structures affects negatively the overall development of this area. Since people still have a lot of questions about how to interact with them, how to quickly pay them and apply them in general in everyday life ?! All these questions and problems form a kind of demand that many specialists from different countries and regions are trying to satisfy.

about the project

A project that wants to offer its services in solving the above problems is called ALCEDO. He is from Germany and his main mission is to provide easy and fast user access to cryptocurrencies all over the world.

To do this, the developers plan to develop their own network of ALCEDO - Points, with the help of which cryptocurrency will be introduced into everyday life. For this, they also prepared a mobile version of the platform for which only a smartphone and Internet access will be needed. The ecosystem itself will unite under one beginning 6 separate components, each of which can easily interact with each other. All these cryptographic systems facilitate fast and high-quality processing of all operations.


In order to make cryptocurrency more affordable, the founders of ALCEDO intend to use fixed ATMs through which it will be possible not only to buy or sell any cryptocurrency, but also to exchange one coin for another. This integration will make cryptocurrency even more accessible, as now the network of cryptocurrency machines is very poorly developed. Now in Germany there are about 58 thousand ATMs, each of which can be installed a decentralized system that promotes the distribution of cryptocurrency assets.

If you carefully examine the proposals of competitors, then immediately become clear the benefits of ALCEDO. Firstly, the commission for the transactions made will be minimal, not 4% as in others, and secondly, all transaction costs will be minimized or eliminated altogether. Moreover, thanks to a specially developed API connection, ALCEDO ATMs will in real-time monitor the actual prices for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies, as well as offer their paper exchange in euros.

Project Features

As I mentioned earlier, the ALCEDO platform will combine 6 main components:

1. Your own wallet, with which you can make not only the transfer of digital crypto assets, but also their purchase, sale and storage for an indefinite period; 
2. Crypto-ATM network. Thanks to the support of well-known crypto ATMs and the further development of its own network, it allows ALCEDO to expand the range of its services and capabilities for its users; 
3. ALCEDO - map. Using a bank card and an ATM network, you as a user can easily and conveniently, and most importantly, quickly buy, sell or cash out your crypto assets; 
4. ALCEDO - coin (ALCE) this token contributes to the development of the entire ecosystem, and also acts as a means for processing any services and reward system; 
five. ALCEDO - point helps to easily exchange ALCEDO coin anywhere in the world for Bitcoin, Euro and other cryptocurrencies; 
6. Investment plan. Thanks to the right strategies, the developers intend to expand their traditional business plan and conquer most of the market, introducing all their technologies and tools.


Details of the ICO

The internal token ALCEDO coin (ALCE) was developed on the familiar Ethereum blockchain (ERC20). In total, the developers intend to release 100 million tokens, the initial cost of which starts from 0.20 EUR for 1 ALCE and by the end of public sales this price will increase to 0 49 EUR.

The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:


At the end of my review, I would like to say that now this kind of projects are very relevant, since their main mission is to introduce cryptocurrencies in our lives. The goal is noble and justified, so I wish the founders good luck in the further implementation of their project. And for the full impression, I still recommend that you read the technical documentation of ALCEDO and get acquainted with their official resources. All the necessary links can be found at the end of this article.

Good luck!

Official resources of the project ALCEDO:

ALCEDO rewards system encourages customers

A blockchain is a continuous sequential chain of blocks containing information built according to certain rules. Most often, copies of block chains are stored on many different computers independently of each other. 

ALCEDO can actually be a blockchain-based technique that aims to make cryptocurrency available to everyone, and also offers opportunities to maximize throughput with domain names. 
ALCEDO is an ecosystem that implements blockchain technology in regular activities.
This platform plans to implement a project that will allow cryptocurrency to be distributed among ordinary people in the world, introduce confidence in them, and also offer users a very convenient exchange of fiat money for cryptocurrency. Indeed, today, it is rather difficult to find an exchanger where it would be possible to exchange the crypto currency for fiat funds directly and vice versa.

The advantages of this project: 
ALCEDO-wallet - buy and sell cryptocurrency electronically on and from any cryptocurrency account. Investment Plans We are expanding our traditional business - from gold saving plans to cryptoinvestment plans. 
ALCEDO-Card - allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell cryptocurrency in and POS-terminals ALCEDO. 
For the first time, ALCEDO cards are equipped with an integrated NFC chip and can be used in our ALCEDO ATMs and our POS terminals. This allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell cryptocurrencies.

ALCEDO customers can benefit from significantly reduced fees for using our ALCEDO ecosystem. To speed up the spread and thus the spread of ALCEDO coins, using our platform through ALCEDO coins is more profitable. ALCEDO rewards system encourages customers.

ALCEDO Wallet simplifies cryptocurrency processing on a smartphone. Very simple, you can send and / or receive different coins. In the beginning, we offer Bitcoin, Ethereum and ALCEDO-Coin, but this range will be constantly expanding. The wallet is designed to run smoothly with our crypto-machines and the ALCEDO platform. For exchanging euros for cryptocurrency, the process is almost identical to receiving coins on an automatic machine, that is, scanning a QR code and receiving coins.

Token Token: ALCEDO Token

Total ALCEDO: 100,000,000 ALCE

Hard-Cap: 40,000,000 ALCE

Project-Protocol: the first ERC20-Token

Crowd-Sale: December 01, 2018

Means of payment: BTC, ETH, PayPal

Road map

  • Concept Q2 2017 / born for distribution of cryptocurrency and marketing 
  • Q3 2017 Q3 2018 / Concept Development 
  • Q4 2018 / First open Acedo Point with an ATM and launch ICO 
  • Q1 2019 / Prepare Alcedo tokens for listing on 
  • Q2 2019 / Post a new wallet 
  • Q3 2019 / Open multiple Alcedo Points and Alcedo Cash franchises

More information 



Udap is a blockchain service that allows you to develop decentralized applications and tokenize any assets without writing complex smart contracts.
The team decided to make the development of smart contracts and tokenization of assets available to the average user.
And their universal wallet for accounting and management of different assets can become a powerful tool for financial management.

We’re already used to developers of new blockchain platforms or services relentlessly criticizing Ethereum for its low speed, vulnerability, and “clumsiness” of the virtual machine (EVM), which the Udap team also considers obsolete compared to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and JavaScript V8.
In addition, Ethereum has a limitation regarding the programming language-only Solidity, which complicates the development of applications for inexperienced programmers.
The Udap team believes that creating smart contracts should be as simple as writing scripts (CGI) for web applications.

The team called its model Asset Oriented Programming (asset-oriented programming).


2017 Q2

Project kickoff

2017 Q4

Research completed

Coding started

Core team built up

2018 Q1


2018 Q2

UDAP concept completed

Expand eco-system and community

Technical white papers released

Started coding Proof-of-Concept prototypes and demos

2018 Q3

UDAP Minimum Viable Product(MVP) deployed and released

Singular Smart Contract Framework released

State channel modules completed

Harvest Asset Wallet (MVP) released

First app – UMedia (MVP) released

2018 Q4

UDAP middleware V0.4 released

Singular Framework 0.5 release

Harvest Asset Wallet beta release

UMedia officially launched

Community Support Program launched

2019 Q2

UDAP mainnet infrastructure V0.5 release

More business partner’s application released

2019 Q4

UDAP mainnet deployed

C2C Asset Marketplace released

More community projects kicked off

2020 Q1

UDAP Middleware V1.0 operated

C2C Asset Marketplace operated

Website: https://www.udap.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/udapcommunity
Medium: https://medium.com/udap
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/udapfoundation
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDl000RbiE5ywU7x2igWWQg?view_as=sub
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/udap
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/UDAP_Foundation